Content List
  • Visitor Statistics

    Visitor Statistics

    Do you know how people find and use your website when you know exactly? Which sections have the most audience? Where and with what tools do these audiences come to your ...

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Saman360 is fully optimized for search engines and is designed with various features such as keyword setting, text tagging, image compression, sitemap, etc., which are ...

  • Responsiveness and Mobile Support

    Responsiveness and Mobile Support

    The tools and technologies used in Saman360 give you two important achievements. First, by default, web pages are fully responsive, and various clients, including ...

  • Job Opportunities

    Job Opportunities

    Your website is where the mission of your organization is introduced, so it is the best point to invite interested people to cooperate. In the Job Opportunities Module, ...

  • Products and Services

    Products and Services

    The main task of your website is to introduce the organization and the products and services that your organization offers. Using this module, you can categorize your ...

  • QR-Code


    Keeping track of information such as phone / cell phone number, contact, email, links, address and geolocation is very difficult, if not impossible, for your contacts. ...

  • URL Shortener

    URL Shortener

    Sharing large URLs is very difficult, this module provides the option to view shortened URLs while shortening URLs. The bottom line is that if the long URL changes, the ...

  • Hashtag


    Use the hashtag module just like Twitter or Facebook. You can add your favorite word or phrase after a (#) in the hashtag section of each content module. Hashtags will ...

  • RSS Feeds

    RSS Feeds

    RSS is traditionally known as news sharing. But Saman360 RSS Module has the ability to view all types of website content (including news, articles, products, files, ...

  • Comprehensiveness


    Saman360 comes with a wide and complete set of ready-made modules, services and functions, so that less need can be found that is not foreseen in this set. Compared to ...